FreeSWITCH, configuring the Callcenter Module

We will go over how to setup the call center module. The callcenter module is used for creating an inbound queue for connecting inbound callers with agents registered to your system. We will be assuming you followed our FreeSWITCH setup tutorial here

MOH dependency

Make sure you have installed the moh sounds, which on debian is done with apt install freeswitch-music-default.


You will first need to make sure the callcenter module is enabled in modules.conf

    <load module="mod_callcenter"/>

Next open up autoload_configs/callcenter.conf.xml. A default queue is provided, which we will make some modifications to.

    <queue name="test@default">
      <param name="strategy" value="longest-idle-agent"/>
      <param name="moh-sound" value="$${hold_music}"/>
      <param name="time-base-score" value="system"/>
      <param name="max-wait-time" value="0"/>
      <param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent" value="0"/>
      <param name="max-wait-time-with-no-agent-time-reached" value="5"/>
      <param name="tier-rules-apply" value="false"/>
      <param name="tier-rule-wait-second" value="300"/>
      <param name="tier-rule-wait-multiply-level" value="true"/>
      <param name="tier-rule-no-agent-no-wait" value="false"/>
      <param name="discard-abandoned-after" value="60"/>
      <param name="abandoned-resume-allowed" value="false"/>

Now we need to add an agent.

<agent name="1000@default" type="callback" contact="[call_timeout=10]user/1000" status="Available" max-no-answer="3" wrap-up-time="10" reject-delay-time="10" busy-delay-time="60" />

And specify the agent’s tier, which also puts them into the queue.

   <tier agent="1000@default" queue="test@default" level="1" position="1"/>

We can now send inbound calls to our callcenter queue in our dialplan.

  <extension name="test_ivr">
   <condition field="destination_number" expression="^(test_ivr)$">
     <action application="set" data="accountcode=test_in"/>
     <action application="callcenter" data="test@default"/>
     <action application="hangup"/>